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Boltek lightning sensors come with all the basic hardware and software required for monitoring live lightning data right away. The short range EFM-100 sensor can easily be run along side the long range sensors (StormPCI, LD-250, and LD-350) for high accuracy short range detection with the ability to track storm movement for more advanced planning.
  • EFM-100C RS485 Electric Field Monitor

    A short-range lightning detector helpful in monitoring nearby thunderstorms. The EFM-100 also detects the high electric-field conditions which precede the first lightning strike. The EFM-100 is a great companion to the LD-250 providing the best of both long range and local lightning detection. For close lightning...

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  • LD-350 Lightning Detector

    Long-range lightning detector helpful in advance planning. The LD-350 connects to either a desktop or laptop using an available USB port, or it can be used as a stand-alone lightning network detector.

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  • LD-250 Lightning Detector

    Long distance lightning detection for home, office, car, truck, or boat. LD-250 plots lightning strikes up to 300 miles (480km) away and displays them on your desktop or laptop computer.

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  • LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector

    The LRX-1 is a high precision / high accuracy lightning network detector that delivers strike data to up to three separate servers within milliseconds of a strike occurrence.

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